
Let us help you have the best relationship you can with your canine companion using scientifically proven techniques that are positive and get results. Behaviour modification works!

Dog Training

  • Leash Walking

  • Basic Obedience

  • Teaching Calm Behaviour in House

  • Jumping up/over arousal

  • Teaching boundaries using crate and/or mat

  • Recall

  • Impulse Control

  • Attention and Focus

Puppy Training

  • Take care of those troubling puppy behaviours right away

  • Socialization plans

  • Crate training

  • Potty training

  • Basic Obedience

  • Leash walking

  • Recall

  • Attention & Focus

Behaviour Assessment

Thinking of adopting, let us help you assess the potential prospects and make sure that they will be a good fit for your home.

For simple behaviour issues we can help design a custom behaviour modification program to help you and your dog work through these issues. - More complex issues may require a behaviour consultation.

*All private lessons & Behaviour work are available through virtual meetings until the current COVID-19 situation is resolved.

Contact us to set up your virtual training program!


Custom training plans with midweek support

Meet weekly or bi-weekly at your convenience

Telephone, video or email support
